Microtech Porn!?!?

I have not reported your avatars. I would tell you if I did. My wife sits in my office in the afternoons. My computer screen is a 40" tv. She can't miss it. . . ..

It's bad enough that the thread is titled porn. . . . .. .
Yea I remember that other post you made requesting if we could change the title of this thread:noidea:
lol I'm in the same boat Zeake Zeake even though I think we might be in the minority. I even put certain avatars on ignore. I really like Jholdbrooks Jholdbrooks and he makes my ignore list on a regular bases :pound: I never report the avatars and I really don't care what anyone else does. I do what I need to do to honor the one women on the planet I married. I ask one time if they could implement a hide option for certain avatars and took a lot of crap. its not a big deal to me. I have a handful of folks that I take on and off ignore in order to communicate and cut up with. :flame:I put on my asbestos drawers before typing this so flame on fellas.
Jholdbrooks Jholdbrooks they hate ya cause they ain't ya! Lol
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