
Don't see an issue. There was a need for security for the community,and they're helping. It doesn't sound like they're an unruly mob of armed people.
I think as long as they stay on the right side of the laws, then I would not have a problem with it. We'll see what happens the first time they get into an encounter with an armed individual though.
The liberal utopia has run out of other peoples money to fund their way of life and they don't want to raise taxes on themselves to pay for it.
Rural Oregon is not my idea of a "liberal utopia". The people are the government and unlike some governments have the people's interest at heart.

When government budgets get cut the first card played is to reduce essential services (police, fire and schools) in order to justify taking more money from the citizens.

From personal experience here in Henry county, it was the same card played but tossed back by an angry crowd of town hall citizens. "No fat to cut", right because you said so, right. Very doubtful, this is more likely a stunt. Pick out the county "government projects" that drain millions (in Henry's case) that most likely were given to specific vendors creating the shell game of money transfers and financial favoritism and cut those first. Too often corruption starts in government in our own backyard.

Did you know Henry county bought an Airport (in Clayton County?) while attempting to raise taxes due to "budget shortfall"? "We will just have to reduce the police, fire department and schools"

According to an announcement today by the Henry County Board of Commissioners, the purchase price is $17.7 million. They claim the taxpayers portion will only be $2.7 million over the next 3 years.

I call Bull****.

I love Joanie Scott!

The original write up by Joanie Scott:

From what I’ve heard, there are a lot of people in Henry County that are bothered by the actions of the Board of Commissioners, which have been led by Mathis. If a credible challenger comes forward to run against Mathis next year, her days may well be numbered.

And so they were... but not before she waited until the last day possible to submit the millage rate increase, you know to pay for the "budget shortfall". It's hard times you know.
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