My Wife is Considering Us Moving to SD to be Closer to Our Son, DIL, and Grandchild (when born.)

Went to visit family back in NE Iowa many many years ago over Christmas. Sister lived on the NW side of town next to open corn fields. Was predicted to be almost -50 with windchill. I parked my Volvo on the right side of the street pointing to the north to go into her house for a family get together. My dad and brother both told me "you need to turn the car around and park away from the wind". I chuckled. 2 hours later went out to leave and the car would not even turn over. My dad had to send a tractor out the next day to tow it into his machinery dealership where it sat with the manure spreaders to thaw out. Damn!
No more peeing outside

Parts of South Dakota are truly beautiful. And I love the idea of living Out West. But there’s a level of winter I don’t know how to deal with and I don’t want to learn. When we get winter weather in Georgia, everything is likely to shut down. In other places, you just get up hours early and get ready to go about your business as usual.
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