New Featured Listings

Prices raised to $5 and now featured listings show on almost all pages, not just the front page.
Is there an option that we can check so we don't have to see the "Featured Listings"?

With it being there , it makes everything on my screen look smaller. I have tried different settings.

No there any way to pay to get rid of the "Featured Listings"?
Sorry, I’m the only one with the answer and I didn’t see your question.

Currently there is not a way to opt out of the featured listings. I’m trying to use them as a way to reduce the number of advertisements we have to show and they would be less valuable if they could be hidden. I’ve cut one ad spot out for it already, and if it gets to 20+ listings a day I’ll cut out another one.

I’m really trying to get us to where we don’t need outside advertising to survive. (Outside advertising means ad networks that send us ads) I’d like to be able to just work with our own sponsors and run off supporter fees/ featured listing fees one day soon. If I can get to 50 sponsors I should be able to cut out all outside advertising.
Sorry, I’m the only one with the answer and I didn’t see your question.

Currently there is not a way to opt out of the featured listings. I’m trying to use them as a way to reduce the number of advertisements we have to show and they would be less valuable if they could be hidden. I’ve cut one ad spot out for it already, and if it gets to 20+ listings a day I’ll cut out another one.

I’m really trying to get us to where we don’t need outside advertising to survive. (Outside advertising means ad networks that send us ads) I’d like to be able to just work with our own sponsors and run off supporter fees/ featured listing fees one day soon. If I can get to 50 sponsors I should be able to cut out all outside advertising.
Thanks for the reply.
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