OMHFG! AR Tax Credits?!?!

no incentive is worth me "surrendering" my possessions.


This is quite ridiculous actually. Not only would we be "surrendering" our firearms, it would take nearly FOREVER to obtain the funds, you wouldn't have your item, AND your tax return would increase the federal debt that we and all of our children wil pay for in the long haul anyway.... Not wise in the long run, at all.
Read the law carefully - it only allows 1/2 credit the year it is turned in and 1/2 for the next year limited to 1 weapon. Plus no matter'd be giving up a little more which leads to the government taking a little more and us giving up a little more....... Need I say more?
They will take your gun and the economy will collapse long before you ever see the money anyway!!!
Read the law carefully - it only allows 1/2 credit the year it is turned in and 1/2 for the next year limited to 1 weapon. Plus no matter'd be giving up a little more which leads to the government taking a little more and us giving up a little more....... Need I say more?
Was just getting ready to say the same thing. A $2000 credit is only reducing your total income for the year by $2000 (in this case 1/2 =$1000), not giving you a return of $2000.
A bill that allows a $2000 credit for an "Assault weapon".
Im buying 100 lowers and turning them in!!!! seriously though, you would have to be dumb not to guo buy something and turn it in. 226

whats more interesting is the list of acceptable stuff. a pump shotgun with a folding stock, pistol grip or something similar.
the receiver of a pump shotgun is then also an assault weapon?!

this is the BS they really believe? wow.

BLUF: 100 AR lowers (est $300/lower x 100 = $30,000: $2,000 tax credit - $30,000 = -$28,000. You're in the hole.
1 weapon = 1 credit. 50 weapons = 1 credit. 100 AR lowers = 1 credit.
Damn! and I just sold all my guns!! I miss all the "good" deals!!............. Do they take sling shots and nerf long rifles, it has a 15rd clip.....
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