Outdoor fire pit - any recommendations?

Just in case you reconsider and want something a little bit more permanent.

The ones I know of won’t turn loose of the funds.

Most of mine problem is time. I need to terrace my back yard. By need I mean it would just look better. Many years ago I regraded it and put a little retaining wall about 8' off of my house and went more or less level then did a 1 to 1 slope up to the property behind me. I would like to terrace it and put a fire pit in the middle of it somewhere and put a garden on the terraced areas. I have access to the equipment for free and have the ability to do the work, just no time. I have been given an option of cheap to free labor if we have a crew free up just to keep them busy, so if that goes through I will get it done. It's kind of a catch 22, I would love for the work to be done but it ends up hurting my bottom line when the crew is doing work that makes no draw.
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