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Painting Rocks


Army Icon Lifetime Supporter
I brought down the Iron Curtain
155   0
Apr 30, 2012
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Yesterday my 4 year old son asked about helping me paint something. When I let him help a little, he soon got distracted and started painting rocks (gravel) outside my workshop. That got me wondering...

As a military brat I heard, oh, too often, about the poor lower enlisted having to paint rocks on military bases.

When I was with the US Army Field Artillery (King of Battle and those that brought down the Berlin Wall, but that's another story) I only had one occasion when my soldiers were subjugated to this most menial of tasks. I hadn't directed it, nor had my platoon sergeant. My guys hadn't done anything to deserve such a crappy task… Turned out that the battalion sergeant major just randomly picked a platoon in the casern to paint rocks around the motor pool. I was outraged and immediately (I mean immediately) called a training exercise and ran my guys to the field where we dined on victuals from the local metzgerie and bakerie. Then I brought them in on Friday morning to clean the vehicles and enjoy the weekend.

I just couldn't stand the thought of them in such mind numbing tasks. Better a night in the field training to kill soviets that an hour painting rocks.


Did anyone else ever actually paint rocks while in the military? I understand its use as a remedial / punishment duty, and I'm all for hearing why you had to paint pebbles.
we had a VERY Large granite Castle....

each stone weighed 50 pounds
There were 120 of them.
you move them from This concrete pad and reassemble them on the concrete pad across the sidewalk.
the castle was inspected and if it was approved...

then you moved them back and built it again.
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