People are just crass, tacky and rude.

Was she hot?

Uhhh...Well aside from being in her 60's and even with the one leg gone above the knee she was still probly pushin 200+ and then the distinct air of a home with wheels about the clan...I'ma say Not even room temperature much less hot.
Uhhh...Well aside from being in her 60's and even with the one leg gone above the knee she was still probly pushin 200+ and then the distinct air of a home with wheels about the clan...I'ma say Not even room temperature much less hot.
Sooooo, that's a yes that you'd do her??? :very_drunk:
I was in a similar situation at Waffle House in Cochran. The only real difference was you could smell the stump. A real appetite killer.
Tonight, late when the lights are out, you'll hear the squeak, squeak, squeak of her wheel chair as it comes to the side of the bed.. A Gentleman would provide a clean glass of water for her teeth...:thumb: Sweet dreams my Brother...

Ah ****! You and Steven King are gonna ruin any chance I ever had of sleeping again!
That would have been me and my Mother you Judgemental bastard. She lost that leg while fending off a Pit bull attack. The Pit bull was attacking a troop of Brownies.
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