Peoples Republic of Athens-Clarke County Mandate Masks

How do yall think the **** started in Venezuela? This will break the economy cause it's going to stop Events and other income producing venues as well as the restaurants that'll close. This also started in tennessee and will kill the rest of their pitiful economy. This is all part of their plan and we bought to get owned. Once the civil battles start, it'll be claimed as racial, just like the civil war. Then while we're all trying to kill each other, we'll get attacked by the ones wanting to control us. When the call goes out, are you going to answer it?
Yeah I know some don't believe it and I hope you realize before it's too late .
. I heard they don't even respond to accidents
w/o injuries, motorists suppose to file report.

Yes, the ACC commission is made up of "one worlders" who have lived on a government check their entire life.

No, that's not true about the police department.

One thing that is true is that the PD has virtually stopped any speed enforcement as far as anyone can tell. Haven't seen a radar unit at any of the honeyholes in months.

ACC just elected by default a commissioner who lists his job as "social activist". can't wait to see what pablum he comes up with. Lost the election to a dead man, was still declared the winner.
You wont need a lawyer. It's a unlawful order. A city executive (mayor) has no authority to override the executive of the State, that being the Govenor.

All it is is posturing.

In about 3 weeks, 30,000 students are going to show up, most of who have refused to wear masks so far. You don't kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Wear the mask. Backwards. You are in technical compliance so they can’t give you a ticket.
Actually, I think we should all start wearing masks in weird ways. Covering our forehead. Bandanna around the neck but not covering face. Maybe a mask covering your ass. Or elbow.
Officer stops you.
“Sir our city requires you to wear a mask”.
Thank you officer for your concern. As you can see I am wearing a mask. On my ass, but wearing a mask.
Officer scratches head. You walk.
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