Racism at the grocer

All you crackers seein' that CRACKER MEAL box on the shelf ... at least the company is trying to feed you a meal.

If you are of Polish ancestry, and you see this bottle on the shelf at your local grocery store or drugstore, how should you feel about being targeted for genocide!?

All you crackers seein' that CRACKER MEAL box on the shelf ... at least the company is trying to feed you a meal.

If you are of Polish ancestry, and you see this bottle on the shelf at your local grocery store or drugstore, how should you feel about being targeted for genocide!?

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I took this photo at a hotel restaurant in Poland. It's a real head scratcher. Is there dog for breakfast? If you feed your dog at breakfast, does it incur a fee? Is there a dog who takes your money? Whatever was going on, I'm not sure.

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Saw this racially insensitive product displayed for all to see at a local grocery store.
crackers haven't made it priority #1 for Uncle Sugar to "do Somefin" about dis egregious attack on their heritage. We needs us an Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson to stir the pot on dis attack on these raciss people at McCormick. We muss gits a check from somebody bout dis!
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