Red Top Mountain State Park

Amazing at the amount of misinformation in this thread. The thinning of the herd was in 8-10 years ago. They had a hunt last year where 16 deer where killed by 22 hunters. The herd has rebounded nicely and the deer have put on a lot of weight. Are some still small, yes, but that is the nature of big woods deer. Not a ton of browse when there is such a thick canopy of big hardwoods.

I was on the hunt this week. The deer are far from tame and a couple does were killed that field dressed over 100 lbs. That is a big doe for NW GA. No big bucks killed that I know of. I saw 8 does and a 6 ptr. Choose to not shoot any of them. Overall hunter success was pretty good, but the deer were much more "wild" than I thought they would be. I am not sure of final totals.

Overall a good hunt, but I am sure there are better State Park hunts to choose from if you have the priority points.
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They used to would come up to your car when you drove thru the area,they once even had a 3 legged deer. If you had bread in your pocket a dull knife would do the trick.
Yes there is alot of myths to Red Top.Me and my brother both had good sucess.He got a 6 pointer and a button head.I got a button head as well.All the deer that I saw in the woods acted much like those near my house.But the ones in the campground where we stayed were pretty tame but at least with tame deer you dont have lead them as much.I will put in for the hunt again.
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