RIP Jimmy Buffet

His music was the soundtrack to many of our lives. The parrot head and beach crowd had their fair claim to his music but Jimmy had the heart and soul of a true sailor. I remember during the last Buffet show I saw at Lakewood Amphitheater, half way through the set the bad launched into an instrumental medley. The parrotheads, not hearing a song they recognized all headed for the bar and the bathrooms. Meanwhile during the whole song the video screen was nothing but Jimmy and folks sailing. Parrotheads never got sailors cherished it.
this is VERY interesting....we have two threads going thread that is in favor of Buffet...AND...there is another thread that many are expressing their hatred of him...very interesting

There's at least three, one has wandered off onto hating Cat Stevens; pretty normal for ODT.
RIP, dickhead... err parrothead. I guess you can be the world's biggest Global Warming/Social Justice Warrior in another place...
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