RIP Meatwad aka Jon Skinner

DavetheMinion's brother in law here. I would like to personally thank each and every ODT member for supporting my sister Mrs.DavetheMinion. Jon always told me to join ODT. I had the pleasure of going on a coyote hunt hosted by a member with Jon. I always told myself I will join soon and I am ashamed that it took so long for me to do it. DavetheMinion had a massive impact on my life. I learned to be the father I am watching him. I will always cherish the memories and will forever be blessed to call him my Brother. I cannot believe he is gone but being able to keep an eye on these forums has helped us all cope. I hope that I can be welcomed into the ODT family because you all meant so much to Jon. Thank you all and I will see ya around.

Awesome to have you in the mix! Terribly sorry for your loss.
Dave the minion's mom here. aka meatwad. i just wanted you all to know Jon enjoyed this website and connecting with all of you. thank you for your condolences and prayers. we appreciate you all coming to his service. God bless you all

Welcome aboard MomM.
I see you choose a fitting avatar...
we're all a big family here (for the most part).
All you have to do is ask, most of the time.
Ill try and find some vids of Jon from the Street Survival class he took about 2yrs ago.

It was classic, Jon fell down an embankment as he was trying to gain distance from his "attacker" , he ran out of bounds, went up a hill then he just vanished. He wound up falling like 15ft in a culvert with rocks, trees and other stuff, and as we ran to help him, he just hops righ out and in true Jon fashion goes " I know I shot him, I know I did" lol,

it was hilarious as he was more concerned about shooting the "bad guy" than falling 15ft down a culvert lol, I have that vid somewhere, Ill find it and post it
Deadeye, i will find it, I have a few cd's that I have to sort through, I used to have a few on youtube and took some down, they might still be out there
Wow, I've been out of the loop for a few days and just got word of DaveTheMinions passing. Very sad news. Never met him in person but he and I PM'd back and forth regarding various deals as late as last week. Great sense of humor, good guy to deal with, a credit to the ODT community. My condolences and prayers to Mrs. DaveTheMinion and his family. He will be missed.
So sorry for your loss. I never traded with Jon, but I always looked forward to his posts.
Your loss prompted me to start a video diary for my two little boys. We never know when our time on earth is up.
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