Share this with your Liberal friends!!!

Can't.... I don't have any liberal friends.
Who the hell would?

It really is that simple. I won't have a friend who is determined to destroy America and the way of life I hold dear. They always say you can't choose who you fall in love with and to this I say BULL****. If you recognize the traits of those who are evil and disgusting up front then you could never love them to begin with. So it is with your friendship. Recognize the villainy and stupidity of liberalism. Understand it and repudiate it. And when you meet it, it will be easy to reject it and never mistakenly call it friend. And never forget, even if you do befriend a liberal they will not be YOUR friend. They will stab you in the back the second it becomes politically expedient to do so.

Liberals are traitors
No liberal friends just liberal sister in-law 7 the wife is trying to do something about that today. She's stuck in a car with her for a few hours. :argue:
I have a solution..... Pick your friends wisely.
My kids learned real quick about liberal friends.
They were usually the ones who had helicopter moms that could never admit their kid could do wrong.
They would file a lawsuit against another adult for correcting their mind numb spawn.
They would parent by plunking their kids in front of video games all day.
They would teach them to be liars, cheats and have no personal responsibility..... It's the cops fault or the teachers fault or the other kids fault.
God forbid the doctor told them straight up that their little demon child needs some tough love from mom and dad but it's too hard to teach moron parents that they need to tell their ass wipe spawn the word (NO!)..........stay away from the slutty lib females....they will throw themselves at you then cry rape once they realize what they did.
You should hear the stories from the healthcare professionals that have to deal with libtard parents and their Darwin Award recipient spawn.
I truly feel bad for America and the millennials such as yourself .the only thing we can do is set the bar high for ourselves and get tough with these morons and lead by example.

I have pretty much let most of my lib friends go, just not worth my time.
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