SHTF in metro suburbs

From the general bent of this thread, I am thinking that survival silver is pretty much a waste of time.

One of the foremost SHTF possibilities (and a very real possibility these days) is an economic collapse- which could be a long, drawn out event that devalues the dollar and other core currencies. Setting aside precious metals is one of the smarter things you can do. Just remember to buy on the dips.

Think about it - the European economic situation is nearly unrecoverable, and we're not much farther behind them. We may see short term rallies, but I don't see any long term direction except for down. Ultimately silver and gold may not get you very far, so you have to have a plan to trade out of them at peak pricesfor something else of value.

I don't think any serious prepper should leave precious metals out of their plan. It's just one of many solutions you should have at your disposal.
i'll start networking about 2-3 months after when all the non-preppers have starved to death or killed each other....the ones left will by definition be survivors...until then, there are very few people i'm interested in having know what i'm up to...

Interesting plan. We should all be cautious about what we disclose, but I've met some awesome people along the way that I trust enough to exchange info with. As for starving people, if any show up on my door step they'll be fed once certain security precautions are met to ensure my family's safety.
Interesting plan. We should all be cautious about what we disclose, but I've met some awesome people along the way that I trust enough to exchange info with. As for starving people, if any show up on my door step they'll be fed once certain security precautions are met to ensure my family's safety.
Very nice of you. I'd feed them, but they would pay for it by doing labor or being bait :lol:
Interesting plan. We should all be cautious about what we disclose, but I've met some awesome people along the way that I trust enough to exchange info with. As for starving people, if any show up on my door step they'll be fed once certain security precautions are met to ensure my family's safety.

and that's great, right up until they get hungry again...and come back for everything you have...and bring 30 or 40 more starving people...don't think it's possible? look how nuts people go NOW over a cheap do you think they are going to act when their children are starving because they were to thick headed to prepare?
and that's great, right up until they get hungry again...and come back for everything you have...and bring 30 or 40 more starving people...don't think it's possible? look how nuts people go NOW over a cheap do you think they are going to act when their children are starving because they were to thick headed to prepare?

We're prepping for an economic collapse. In that case, you're dealing with stragglers looking for opportunuities to work, not mass migrations of people moving out of cities (unless the economy goes completely over the edge). 30-40 people coming through probably isn't a realistic situation unless it's some sort of gang thing.

I don't think most people would do us harm, but there's always a few bad apples out there. It's not like I'm going to lead them to my pantry or food storage area and show them what I've got. I'm just saying I wouldn't turn away a starving person, especially if there are kids involved. Has something to do with following Christ. I've got to trust that helping others is the right thing to do, and there are ways to do that securely. My wife and I are already putting away a little extra for those times. Not saying we're better than anyone else, but this is something we have already thought long and hard about.

Of course, if we feel threatened the response will be much, much different.
We're prepping for an economic collapse. In that case, you're dealing with stragglers looking for opportunuities to work, not mass migrations of people moving out of cities (unless the economy goes completely over the edge). 30-40 people coming through probably isn't a realistic situation unless it's some sort of gang thing.

I don't think most people would do us harm, but there's always a few bad apples out there. It's not like I'm going to lead them to my pantry or food storage area and show them what I've got. I'm just saying I wouldn't turn away a starving person, especially if there are kids involved. Has something to do with following Christ. I've got to trust that helping others is the right thing to do, and there are ways to do that securely. My wife and I are already putting away a little extra for those times. Not saying we're better than anyone else, but this is something we have already thought long and hard about.

Of course, if we feel threatened the response will be much, much different.

I think it is what happens after an economic collapse that concerns me the most. A large part of the population have become dependent (dare I say addicted) on others to supply their necessities. Those sources go away these people will start to panic. Panic leads to desperation and desperation leads to violence. I wish I was more optimistic like Chris Mac on how people would react but my experiences tells me otherwise. All the more reason to network :)

Putting away a little extra is always a good thing. I was raised that way so it is nothing knew to me.
People tend to be herd animals, you feel safe in large groups. But from the group comes a mob mentality. Its like a group cheering their sports team to success, or a riots in the streets. You are empowered and emboldened by the group. Well when that one bad apple starts screaming "there are 40 of us, let's just TAKE his food!!".....let's just say, if I see a large group of people 99 times out of 100 I'm I'm going to consider them extremely dangerous.

DonDon was right when he made the example of the Black Friday shoppers. They will not even think twice to crack you head open and step over you as you are bleeding out to get to all your preps. If it makes you feel any better, they'll probably feel bad about it later...once their fat and happy and warm and they have time to think about what they just did.
I've seen this first hand more times than I can count....let's just say growing up in the ghetto, I never got into a fight or had to fight or run from one black guy, it was always 2 or 3 or 10. Its gonna suck to be a black guy in a Post Collapse world...people will probably just pop you on sight...good luck black males! LOL
I've seen this first hand more times than I can count....let's just say growing up in the ghetto, I never got into a fight or had to fight or run from one black guy, it was always 2 or 3 or 10. Its gonna suck to be a black guy in a Post Collapse world...people will probably just pop you on sight...good luck black males! LOL

Yea no kidding, retribution for sure. People will finally be saying GO CALL THE NAACP NOW **** FACE
I think it's the Mormons who require their people to keep a years supply of food on hand. I think right now if we had to, we could do 4 to 6 months. I need to work on the water supply problem though. May go out and buy a water purifier and start stocking water bottles. I know it's dangerous, but I keep a good supply of gas in the garage.

Years ago, I spent some time in the Phillippines. You'd see hordes of kids begging from the Americans. If you made the mistake of giving money to one kid, they'd swamp you down. I saw one guy get a nasty cut on his butt where a kid had sliced his pants to steal his wallet when he got surrounded.

I wouldn't give out squat. Survival of the fittest. The way I see it, kindness in that situation is weakness, and the only protection you will have is their fear of what will happen if they mess with you. No mercy, simple survival, look out for your own. I don't know my neighbors, and don't care to. It would be nice to find a group I could trust.
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