sliders: be aware of these f-ers

nope, just some good info for my fellow ODT'rs

I did make some kick ass deer chili last night though... I had a rough lunch break today...:shocked:
Yep...that little technique would be a great way to receive a new lead body piercing if one of those low-life scumbags tried it on my car. For one car automatically locks itself 15 seconds after the key leaves the inside of the vehicle, so the door would be locked when they tried. The other problem for them is that when I feel them tug on the door handle, I'll be coming around the car from the they'd better run like hell or they will get introduced to my two friends - Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson.

Nothing I detest more than a thief...lowest form of human existence, if you can even call them human.

i used to pump gas at age 13 and on for the parents who usualy sat in the running car - still leave it running to this day while i pump . never turn the cell phone off - does anybody ? mowing lawns as a kid i bet i put 10,000 gallons of gas in milk jugs and such that wasnt an approved container -amazing im still alive ? no , just stupid warnings (not laws) mostly started by urban legends - note they dont say to not pump gas while there is lightning in the area - why not you got the same spark type dangers and odds of ignition
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