so i am going to jail.

I hate to be a :tinfoil3: again. If they sent you a summons or just a bill, you would fight it but when you get arrested you are willing to pay whatever it takes just to make it go away.
what a crock of **** man, glad u didnt have to stay the weekend. Where were u pulled over?
Cartersville. Good thing is i was supposed to fly to NYC for work today and i really didn't want to go. This got me out of it so now i get to spend my weekend with my family instead.
I hate to be a :tinfoil3: but could municipalities be going through old records looking for money they may have missed?

Don't see why that couldn't be a possibility...I've even read fairly recently that some and I think Atl was included are looking at turning uncollected fines and fees over to collection agencies which would immediately put it on your credit report until you pay it.
They got the workin man by the balls over anything like this. They know it would be more cost efficient for us to just pay up and go about out business rather than go through a long drawn out ordeal to fight it.
Cartersville. Good thing is i was supposed to fly to NYC for work today and i really didn't want to go. This got me out of it so now i get to spend my weekend with my family instead.
Glad it wasnt floyd, they probably would've let you sit here for the weekend then extradited you to alpheretta monday
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