Sometimes it doesnt pay off

Very painful thoughts and thread subject !
I hate giving up on something I have been addicted to for 40+yrs ….. but Coke/sodas and sweet tea is just about all I drank that was non alcohol related. Water is ok I guess but tasteless. That is what I am on mostly now, water.

All in all I would just love to go to a full time dose of Crown Royal but that isn’t gonna happen !
I will continue to drink water, then a soda product here and there along with my iced tea….i just gotta be easy about it .

Being an adult sux sometimes !! :bounce:
I can't do any of it. I quite dinking sodas almost two years ago and I have had one Mt. Dew since then. I needed something to take medicine with and I ain't paying a dollar something for water. It's all made with crap that will kill you anyway.
A friend gave us 2 cans to try. One for me and one for my wife. After 1 sip, both were poured down the drain. Tasted like someone spilled perfume into it.
Very painful thoughts and thread subject !
I hate giving up on something I have been addicted to for 40+yrs ….. but Coke/sodas and sweet tea is just about all I drank that was non alcohol related. Water is ok I guess but tasteless. That is what I am on mostly now, water.

All in all I would just love to go to a full time dose of Crown Royal but that isn’t gonna happen !
I will continue to drink water, then a soda product here and there along with my iced tea….i just gotta be easy about it .

Being an adult sux sometimes !! :bounce:
I've known two people to have kidney stones due to Cokes. One of them wound up with a grapefruit size tumor on one of his kidneys. Had to have his kidney taken out, cancer. Now he's a diabetic.....You ain't missing much.....
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