
Praying for him and a full recovery.

Don't want to hijack a good will thread, but strokes and heart disease continue to be a threat to men like us. I lost my father when he was 57, he had a stroke and two heart attacks.

We can't prevent all heart attacks or strokes, but we can out the odds more in our favor. Improve our diets, excercise, watch that fat around the midsection ( it's a killer). Quit smoking and go easy on the food we naturally love: fried foods, bacon ,meat with high fat etc. and eat more foods we don't like...salads..vegetables...yogurt, etc.

Simple changes repeated over time, make a huge difference.
Ok, spent the morning at ICU with my friend & Fellow ODT'er @fourdeuce. Looks like he's going to live, but will be going thru several months of therapy. He's lost a little use of his left side and his speech is a tad slow. I'm going to spend time with him to help him thru recovery. He has a few items for sale on the forums, so he may not respond to any PM's. If he has anything you're interested in, PM me and I'll get with his wife. Thanks for all the prayers.. I hope he hangs around cause I want him to do my eulogy when my time comes.. It will make for some great stories...
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