Survival tactics from a Bosnian Guy- Very interesting

This is really making me think. I have 7 in my home group, that's 630 meals per month. I can buy emergency / survival food but from what I read I still need to supplement that with traditional canned goods, lots of water, paper goods, antibiotics, dry goods and spices. That's a lot to take in...

If one truly believed this was going to be necessary, how do you go about your day to day without prepping being the major driving force in every part of your life? I for one believe something is going to happen in my lifetime and have just started wanting to get prepared.
That's a lot to take in...

If one truly believed this was going to be necessary, how do you go about your day to day without prepping being the major driving force in every part of your life?

I think the wisest thing to do is to look at it like the addage: "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time".

Don't let yourself be overwhelmed and don't react out of fear (If you read prepper sites on the web, there are plenty of people trying to play on people's fears as a way to sell them stuff). Just get a simple plan and build on it. Start with a week's worth of food, then move to 2 weeks or a month. Whatever you can reasonably afford. Start with basic gear then develop that...Think things through.

Don't panic but don't drag your feet either. If you dig youtube, search some of the early videos by Southernprepper1 on there. Lots of great advice and a common sense, level headed style of prepping. (But keep in mind that youtube is also full of videos by prepper wanna-be's, lunatics and bad information, as well.)
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