The way back machine..........


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Indians wont bother you now cuz you are touched
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May 19, 2010
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Probably the one made in Taiwan for the Tandy Corporation, Inc. (That's Radio Shack for you Tide Podders.)
I never put the two together but that makes a lot of sense. First computer I had was a Tandy and we got it from Radio Shack. We never learned how to do anything besides get the thing to move. There was never once a word processed on our Tandy.
When I was a kid, my brother and I stumbled onto a large collection of BetaCord porno movies. We searched high and low for a Beta player. At the time, I would have given a piece of my soul if I could just find a Beta player. Never found one, not even in the dumpsters behind pawn shops. We held onto the tapes for a couple of years hoping that some day, some how, we would find the Betacord by Sanyo. Then the internet came out and analogue porno was obsolete. And we all lived happily ever after.
When I was a kid, my brother and I stumbled onto a large collection of BetaCord porno movies. We searched high and low for a Beta player. At the time, I would have given a piece of my soul if I could just find a Beta player. Never found one, not even in the dumpsters behind pawn shops. We held onto the tapes for a couple of years hoping that some day, some how, we would find the Betacord by Sanyo. Then the internet came out and analogue porno was obsolete. And we all lived happily ever after.
Can Dale Russell quote you on that? :lol:
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