This is your Dog pic shout out thread.

It is said that we GREEVE more for our PETs that live w/us, than
we GREEVE for a relative that does NOT live w/ us.
It hurts like a MUTHA every time.
But as pet lovers, we set our selves up for heartbreak
time & time again. But we do it again. Cause we love them.
It is NEVER an easy task to BURY one of our Furry loved ones.
Vagas was born on our anniversary 16 years ago. She is slowly losing the life game. View attachment 2301094

So sorry. It’s a hard decision. In April our 16 year cat became ill
Lots of meds later. We were hopeful but Her kidneys failed . We just put her down last month. We had her since she was a baby my daughter doesn’t know life without ghost as she was an infant when we adopted her heartbreaking
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