!Urgent! Georgia Stand Your Ground in Danger

I can only explain anyone who actually understands what "Stand Your Ground" (SYG) honestly actually is, how it's applied and to whom it applies is only prostituting themselves to a biased group that is totally ignorant and devoid of honest critical thinking skills when attacking it. It questions their integrity as well as motives.

A study of just why a majority of states enacted SYG law answers the question that begs to be discussed but clearly avoided to serve an agenda.

This is the breakdown and don't consider me a Democrat hater but review the party affiliation of those who strongly support anti-gun rights and deny pro-gun rights and it becomes a clear party issue. However both parties are politicians and will sell our rights out from under us if it would serve them in position or power.

An educated public is to be avoided by these folks but we can hold them accountable. It is that accountability that they know the far majority of the public fails and is complacent with.


Senate Judiciary Non-Civil Committee:

Jesse Stone, Chairman Republican (supporter of Mom’s Demand Action-affilation with MAIG)
William T. Ligon, Jr., Vice-Chairman Republican
Curt Thompson, Secretary Democrat (No support of anti-gun legislation currently posted)
Joshua McKoon, Ex-Officio Republican
Charlie Bethel Republican
John Crosby Republican
Vincent Fort Democrat
Hunter Hill Republican
Ronald B. Ramsey, Sr. Democrat

This will probably not gain much traction. But the Republican Chairman has publically supported Mom's Who Demand Action, affiliated with MAIG as well as the editor's wife of a major news publication in Atlanta. How much financial or media support has been or provided is an interesting question.

3 Democrats, of one who has not supported anti-gun legislation (per current postings) and a Republican who has aligned himself with Moms/MAIG. There are total of 6 Republicans-one with questionable alignment. The power to halt this now lies within these individuals.

Spend the effort to at least say "No to SB 280" and or call. Do not think that the supporters of this attack upon honest citizen's rights are complacent. Expensive dinners, cash support and media support is lucrative and fruit hard to ignore for an aspiring politician.

Hold the oath breakers who concocted this trash accountable as well. Contact them and inform them of their error. At minimum a measured verbalized response is in order.

SB 280 bill sponsors:

Fort (D) http://www.senate.ga.gov/senators/en-US/Member.aspx?Member=12&Session=23

Orrock (D) http://www.senate.ga.gov/senators/en-US/Member.aspx?Member=33&Session=23

Lucas (D) http://www.senate.ga.gov/senators/en-US/Member.aspx?Member=157&Session=23

Jones (D) http://www.senate.ga.gov/senators/en-US/Member.aspx?Member=28&Session=23

James (D) http://www.senate.ga.gov/senators/en-US/Member.aspx?Member=372&Session=23

Harbison (D) http://www.senate.ga.gov/senators/en-US/Member.aspx?Member=17&Session=23

It will be interesting to find out just how Jesse Stone, Chairman Republican influences and votes on this crap.

My mail:

Do not support SB 280. Why?

One must first comprehend why a majority of states have enacted “Stand Your Ground” (SYG) law as well as who do these laws serve?

If you comprehend the purpose and intent of SYG law and its honest application and practice, it bears into question an individual’s motives in attempting to strike it down. Those motives do not serve the law abiding pubic and honestly only serve criminals or friends/family of criminals. Do you support criminals? If not then apply some honest critical thinking on this issue and determine why it exists. Answer that and continue forward in attempts to circumvent, strike down and erode SYG law bears into question one’s integrity.

In Georgia thankfully, we have stand your ground law and they serve to protect the honest. Prior to that a homeowner or any person who had a legal right to be where they were at and were “legally” defending themselves were not immune from prosecution. States that don’t clarify or worse enacted “Duty to Retreat” (DTR) laws allow honest citizens “legally” defending themselves to be prosecuted and or sued. There are numerous cases to support this.

SYG laws DO NOT protect those who “criminally” attack anyone or threaten any innocent. Federal and state laws prevent this and those in violation deserve the full weight of prosecution. However, that is ignored by the senators and the groups who in their ignorance and emotion strive to strip rights from the honest citizen to a great disservice to our state. SYG laws were enacted and passed out of educated public support. The numerous case law complaints where an angry family member, whose family member was injured or killed in “legal” self-defense were becoming so common that the defending honest citizen needed protection from being dragged through the legal system after successfully and lawfully defending themselves.

So ask yourself, exactly what is SYG, how is it applied, who does it serve and lastly who do you serve?

Scrutinize every piece legislation that in effect will take and distance rights from our honest citizenry. You took an oath, all that you need to do is honor that oath despite your personal/emotional bias or political posturing and serve the honest citizens. Do not allow SB 280 to proceed, vote no.

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Did you call or e-mail them, that would be far more productive then saying something that could actually be held against you documented on the internet. Remember after CISPA and the NDAA you have no more privacy rights nor do you have the right to due process and what you just stated although highly unlikely could be held against you. If you don't know what these laws are you should research them, they eliminate your constitutional rights and they passed through the Republican House and The Democratic Senate and signed into law by this president.
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