Username /screen name changes

So far all the names suggested in this thread go very well with the name "McDonalds" at the beginning:

white is now McDonalds McLovin
atljetmech is now McDonalds X-TRA LARGE LOVER, and
ddennis is now McDonals SweetDaddyLoveMuffin
I believe (no proof) that many (not all) of the people change thier screen names to escape a bad reputation. I found a guy that tried to pull a fast one on me but I had his phone number saved and was able to figure out he just changed his name. I have never changed mine as I am not smart enough to remember another one. It is that getting old thing. My name is the same on Ebay, The High Road and any other forum or website I join. So, if you see Parolebear it most likely is me. My two cents.
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