what are you going to be for Halloween?

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Myself. I put a mask on everyday I leave the house
Are you Zoro or Female.

One of my friends were nervous about asking women out on a date I would tell them what you see and that makeup is not the real woman. I would tell them to imagine you just woke up in the morning her hair was all ratty, she had no makeup on, and she was sitting on the can and farted as she was pissing. That's what a real woman is, not to mention they shave their armpits in their legs what is all together another grotesque situation. So women spend an average of about $25 a day just to go out in public and look decent. That's the equivalent of a Mac of a Halloween costume everyday. Pathetic, simply pathetic. I have seen very few women in my life that were god-given natural beauties and most of them weren't American. When you put women in that kind of light it's very easy to ask them out. Then if they say no just explain it to them like I did. That usually does the trick if they don't slap the s*** out of you!
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