What's the damned deal with all the price gouging flippers on

Its clear folks did plan on retirement income, saw someone asking 1k for a plain jane post64 winchester on here today. I may check local classifieds once a week now, the prices are stupid every time.
Its clear folks did plan on retirement income, saw someone asking 1k for a plain jane post64 winchester on here today. I may check local classifieds once a week now, the prices are stupid every time.
What's really stupid, price wise, is a Thousand Dollar SKS, regardless of whether it was made in Russia/wherever or when...
I’m sure in the late 70s and early 80s they felt the same or worse inflation was double digits.

I don’t think used cars jumped that much though since WWII. Timing seems to be everything. What if you was retiring in 1980 with inflation that high I bet that freaked people out bad.

It’s bad too if you just starting out and need to buy a house or a car. Where your at on your journey I think is a factor.

The question is will things get better or worse?

I think the dollar losing value isn’t helping.
I sell ammo I get at work with my employee discount locally for a bit cheaper than what I put it on Gunbroker, I thought after deer hunting season the prices of ammo would go down like 10% and people wouldn't be buying it, but people are buying it. In the last week I've sold 6.5 CM, 30-30 WIN, .410 (always in demand) , 7mm rem mag, and 30-06
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