When the SHTF, what do you do with the firearms? What is your plan?

Most LEO's that I know are just like us...when TSHTF they're not going to work & will stay at home protect their families...then most likely come to our 2500 acre hunting farm and hideout!
will count on my RRA ar my Glock 22, and my 12 ga.I will stay home as i live in the country, and have neighbors i trust with my life,when TSHTF If you do not have it you will not be able to get it . (gas , milk , ammo , cash from the ATM) to do so would expose you to looters , drug addicts, and general anarchy. you cannot count on LE . they will be with their families also. dont talk about it, do it ,every week buy something, (asprin,rice,bleach, sleeping bag, ammo, )instead of that 6 pack of eer or pack of cigaretts , but if this happens in our lifetime good luck,keep your head down.
I would definitely hightail it to the nearest mountains and disappear instead of going to a residence anywhere.

Most everybody with an ounce of common sense will be heading to the mountains. It'd be allot easier if you had a group plan already set in place with friends and/or family that already reside there. We have a plan A and a plan B in the mountains, but only plan A has a natural spring hidden up in the hills close enough by.
good stuff guys,I'm in the same boat as folks with firearms, ammo, supplies but nowhere to go. You can hook up with friends and what not but be real, friendships will be tested and if your a man with a family... your family will always come first. When the supplies start to get low your gonna start eyeing the people in your group even though those people are your friends. It's a double edged sword, more people in the group better protection, but the faster your supplies start to dwindle. I say if you have family stick with your family don't rely on another man. I would stay put if you are located in a major city, it will be chaos to travel, and suicide if you have family. Be a sniper if possible, in a high elevation point with cover and concealment. Because their will be raiders EVERYWHERE! If you didn't stock up on ammo... well your S&*^ out of luck and if you decide to head to the local gunshop to get ammo your dead man running around.
As for the LEO/military round ups/firearm confiscation, and the zombies. They will all be handled the same way...head shots or buckshot.

"You may find me one day dead in a ditch somewhere. But by God, you'll find me in a pile of brass."


My non-gun friends have asked me this question a number of times...and the answer is always the same: They may get my guns eventually...but they will get the bullets first.

I wouldn't bug out. My house, although in a large subdivision, is an end house in a cul-de-sac with 10 acres of private, heavily-fenced land behind me. And the second floor balcony in my foyer is oriented so as to be a near-perfect sniper position. Good luck making it down the hill to my house in anything but an armored vehicle if indeed the SHTF.
i would want to stay in my house as it is easily defendable as many have said here already... but to flip sides and pretend I was a looter/maruader, etc, if my group took fire from any one house or a group of them... whats to keep me from coming back at night and torching the place? molotovs, etc.

I mean yeah, they would have to get in range... but a water ballon launcher (3 person deal setup) will chuck a molotov the same distance as a water ballon, but all it would take is a nicely placed molotov on the roof or through an attic window or something and the house is gone with everything in it. You run out to hail of gun fire.

I dunno.. I am still tryin to decide what would be best. Outside/inside has both its advantages and disadvantages. meh. maybe obama will let me know what I should do
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