Why hide the Serial Number?

Why advertise it? Do you post the serial numbers of all the guns you own online?
No. But I don’t mind sharing it on the one’s that I am selling. I am not being critical of those doing it, just asking. I don’t see how knowing the serial number puts the owner at risk. Was just asking.
I do it so that other ODT'ers don't make a fake bill of sale and have their BOS falsely notarized, then they send the "boys" looking for me to take back the "stolen" firearm. Since I don't have a bill of sale and never did, and the other guy does, he/she might have a case, except that possession is 9/10th's of the law (according to TV law and order and SVU, and such), so I will surely be still possessing it until they take it forcefully away from me. To avoid such possibilities, I simply hide the serial number. Plus, you never know when you might have traded into a stolen weapon... do you always do a background search on every weapon you trade into? If not, do you want someone to come knocking on your door to take it from you if it just happen to have been stolen in its previous life? If they don't see the number, nobody is the wiser, right?
I do it so that other ODT'ers don't make a fake bill of sale and have their BOS falsely notarized, then they send the "boys" looking for me to take back the "stolen" firearm. Since I don't have a bill of sale and never did, and the other guy does, he/she might have a case, except that possession is 9/10th's of the law (according to TV law and order and SVU, and such), so I will surely be still possessing it until they take it forcefully away from me. To avoid such possibilities, I simply hide the serial number. Plus, you never know when you might have traded into a stolen weapon... do you always do a background search on every weapon you trade into? If not, do you want someone to come knocking on your door to take it from you if it just happen to have been stolen in its previous life? If they don't see the number, nobody is the wiser, right?
Good points.
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