
I am probably going to get flamed-but what the heck, I need a suntan!! I don't any think nation compensates our military as well as this country. There is a large number of programs out there to help current, retired and former military members. A person knows when they sign the line they ain't going on vacation. You agree to fight for the interests of the US (wether or not you agree with them) and we will pay you "X" amount of dollars. There are a large number of people back home who will support you, will only vote for political officials who support you, and go out of their way when they see you in person and tell you thanks. What do I expect in return? Maybe do our country proud-you are our embassador of sorts in the remote sh*tholes of the world, don't do something stupid that might get posted on Youtube and embarrass us. And if I am your next door neighbor who is paying my bills like I am supposed to, and my taxes, and keeping my house up, I expect you to take care and pay for your house because its decreased value effects me. If you have extenuating circumstances-I'm there for you brother!!! But you have rules to live by just like me, and if you think you don't have to keep up someplace like base housing-think again!!!

Burn the house?? Hell-I appreciate that, now I have a sh*thole next door to me and when they eventually bulldoze down the debris and remove it (IF they do) I now have a vacant lot next door. Think that's not going to effect the value of my house??I worked hard to pay for my house, payed my taxes which went towards YOUR training and salary and because you didn't manage YOUR money, I am going to pay in more ways than one. And please don't make me post a copy of my DD214 in order to see if I am "qualified" to think that some people are coddled because of their military status.The reason this country is in the tank the first place is too many people living beyond their means and want somebody else to pick up the tab.

well there ya go. you wont get flamed by me.
A fine way to treat our veterans. Call 202-456-1111, White House switchboard, and leave a msg for the Pres. expressing your discust. Be nice but firm.
No bailout for any regular people. When I was in a tight spot years ago after going 3-4 months after being laid off before I found a new job I went to the bank and said "I am not asking for a handout, I don't want any money that I'm not due but if we could rewrite my home loan at the same rate for 30 years instead of 15 I could afford to continue paying you and foreclosure won't even be close to necessary." They said Sorry we an't do that but we can re-write it for 30 years at xx interest rate for you. I said ... so you're saying you'll rewrite the loan for 30 years so that the payment is only $15 less than it was at 15 years because you've tripled the interest rate? How does this help me .... I eventually sold the house and got out from under the problem that way but if another few months had gone by before that I would have had no alternative but to leave and leave the keys in the house and call and tell them to have a nice day. I can now see 100% how people can end up in these situations and I blame the banks as much as the people for not having even a basic willingness to work with them and prevent the problem from getting as bad as it does.

And people wonder why I say the world is not going down the tubes but it's already there ....

[Broken External Image]:

Have you guys forgotten how little our men and women in the military bring home. I am proud he or she even had the nads to try and purchase a home on what they get paid. Not trying to start anything but I grew up in a military family and we just did get by. I have friends and family whom have been in the military in the past few years and from what I have been told it's even harder to make ends meet now.

Forgotten? Hell I was one of those guys. I got out making $1200 a month as an E4 and took a job making $9.49/hr and was still able to buy a house and make my payments every month. I sold my new truck and bought an old beater so that I could afford to buy a house and still live comfortably. I've worked and bled (literally) for every single freaking thing I have. The only favor I got when I got out was a VA loan, which really isn't much of a favor when you read the fine print. That was back when everyone still thought we were baby killers and unable to function in the real world.

The individual that spray painted that on their garage door had a champagne diet on a beer budget. Neither myself or anyone else I know that served and rejoined the civilian world got our bills payed for us, why should he?

I'll offer up the contention that anyone that says they got a raw deal is no better than the person that didn't pay their bills because they are enabling that type of behavior. If you disagree, I'll pull a copy of both of my DD214's and you can tell me how much of my house note you're going to cover for how long based on where and when I served.
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While I agree with your guys sentiment, the fact remains that they don't foreclose on your home unless you fail to pay to amount agreed upon in your mortgage contract.

Three tours in Iraq and even with the extra pay couldn't keep current on his mortgage? There is something else going on here.

I am in no way condoning the foreclosure of the homes of our veterans, however I don't believe the spray paint on the garage door is telling the whole tale.

I could be wrong though I suppose.

Couldn't have said it better myself. While I appreciate this guy's service to our country, it doesn't mean he gets a pass on his financial obligations.
Since it's nothing but unvetted graffiti, there's no way to even say that the spray painter was a vet or even the person who owned the house. It annoys me when I ask a bum with a "homeless veteran" sign what their MOS was and they look at me like I had three heads. No shortage of imposters out there.
So are you saying he was not paid for his 3 tours of duty? Where is that money? It did not go to paying his mortgage.

This is my point. I didn't say anything about his situation because I don't know the facts or his circumstances. For all I know he had his identity stolen and cant get help. I have lots of family members and friends in both wars/conflicts as we speak. Most of them pay their bills but there are some who just don't and use their service as an excuse.
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