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‘Multiple victims’ reported in church shooting outside San Antonio

He was killing children point blank, then he cried to his parents when he was shot. What a complete ***** *****. I wish he would have survived and been raped to death in prison.

Yeah, guys like this you wish you could disarm in the moment and just go hands on and just beat and beat and beat...and beat em. Bullet would be too quick.
I read on fox turns out prior to his incarceration he was deemed mentally defective and ordered to be placed in a mental hospital. That is yet ANOTHER grounds for denial. We know he lied because a sales clerk would have denied the sale even if he passed NICS I believe if they were wise, the Air Force's f*** up is a big deal and I think they should take a look in the mirror on this one. they should prosecute people who lie on 4473s more harshly. Every denial I've ever seen dude or girl is like "welll I have no idea what it could be" and walk out Pretending to be very confused but never upset.... I know this wouldn't have helped in this situation because the USAF dropped the Ball and his **** got lost in the sauce. I've upgraded his hypothetical 4473 for him.
It's not supposed to look like a scantron btw to my OG private salers :biggrin1: I don't mind filling one out, I don't mind private selling anything we want as free Americans, the mistake or crime is going to happen in some way shape or form which allows men like him to acquire weapons.

Hell....we all like to forget that France has very strict gun control, there is no right to bear arms in France. In order to own a gun, you gotta gave a hunting license or sporting license, which has to be renewed repeatedly and requires a psychological evaluation.
Yet still, seven jihadis' with automatic AK47s and explosive suicide vests were able to walk down the middle of one of their most crowded streets and mow down and blow up 130 people....no laws can stop what exists on this planet. It is a fallen planet.
News tonight said that during Obama's reign of terror, about 48k 4473s were denied due to lying on the form, per orders from Obama and his justice dept. ONLY 44 were prosecuted. Not 44 thousand, 44 out of 48,000, less than one tenth of one percent. And lying on the form itself is a felony.
News tonight said that during Obama's reign of terror, about 48k 4473s were denied due to lying on the form, per orders from Obama and his justice dept. ONLY 44 were prosecuted. Not 44 thousand, 44 out of 48,000, less than one tenth of one percent. And lying on the form itself is a felony.
Frankly? I'm surprised it was that many.
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