.410 arriving at Walmarts now

Then I suggest you talk to an attorney, just an initial consultation, to determine what options are open to you. It might cost you a couple hundred dollars, but that asshole who ripped you off is currently sitting on a pile of your dough.

And he's probably laughing at you.

As he spends it.

Flippers have no conscience. Lie and scam is all they know.

OP will go back and get upset that the sign now says '1 PER CUSTOMER' and come back and post that others are ruining everything.

exactly! probably made up some bs story to draw the attention away from themselves while they did the dirty deed.

If it was Academy or Dicks, I'd still highly doubt it. A walmart employee that drops everything to prevent theft? LOL I real scenario is if OP just asks for more and the employee just hands him as many as he wants because they DGAF.

The name of this sub forum is literally "Steals and Deals" and yall are complaining about a dude who got a deal...
Fair point
People are some greedy sob's. I have everything that I need and don't plan on buying the last of anything just because I can. I've always figured someone probably needs it worse than me.
Check your Walmarts for .410 shells. They seem to be coming now in. Friend of mine who works there texted me they got 2 cases in at the Athens Walmart location. My store has a 3 box limit. I was able to buy 10 boxes. The older lady was putting them behind the glass and I told her some crackhead with a backpack was stealing things two aisles over and she ran off thinking it was her mission to stop a shoplifter so I grabbed seven more boxes from the sporting goods counter and took it to self checkout.

Definitely a dick move…
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