50¢ Krystals today. 10/12/16


Growing up in Atlanta in the mid-50's, I regularly rode the Trolley downtown (By Myself, one-way fare was 5 cents), and went to the YMCA on Lucky Street to get swimming lessons ... also some gym to fill out the time ... Thereafter, I often went by The Krystal near 5 Points for 10 cents "Krystals" and a Coke before going to either Lowes or Paramount for a movie ... then rode the Trolley back home (the "car stop" was about a 2 mile walk from home. Yes, it was "about dark" when I got home. Neither parents or myself had a minutes concern about the safety of an 11 year old back then ...

BTW: The swim-suit at "The Y" back then was your "Birthday Suit"
After eating yesterday and today on the 10, wife and I still have 4 left..Going hunting next weekend, will pick up 10 more and wings...The ones we pick up Wens. had cheese in them bonus!
Oh hell yeah. Cheese is a bonus on those but will **** up how much you spend.
What was surprising is not additional cost..Wife came home after I called her about the special. Pulled the cheese out of the Frig to put on them, and surpriseed that they all had cheese already..Just cost her 10 plus tax..Bonus
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