9mm ammo

I will be selling every factory round but my 9mm loading process turns out a pretty reliable round. I will not be out of ammo. Just out of factory ammo.
I said I didn't need any more but, after hearing and seeing this madness, I figured another 1,000 rounds is a decent investment. Worked out to 33.7 cents per round, after tax and shipped via FedEx.
I will be selling every factory round but my 9mm loading process turns out a pretty reliable round. I will not be out of ammo. Just out of factory ammo.
Exactly! I can turn out about 400 rounds of very nice 9mm ammo per hour, and I have thousands and thousands of components ready to load. I've already sold some of my "factory" ammo because I couldn't turn down this crazy pricing. If it keeps going up, I'll sell off more of my fancy retail boxed stuff.
Sorry if I'm giving away any secrets or anything here. Personally, I don't own any guns because my trusted media and politicians tell me they are dangerous, BUT I have a friend who had a pretty good (for her) stash of 9s when all this started but she remembered how it got last time so she figured she better start looking around and get some more to ride this one out. She's found 9s in stock at Academy two of the last three times she's visited. They have a three box limit but they did have the Winchester 200 pack for around $45 so 600 rounds is pretty good bit to pick up at a time. She's also been able to find 9s online by checking the usual online sources. Kind of like finding a needle in a haystack, but they are trickling in. Buy all you can while you can.
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