A Cyber Attack By An Enemy Nation Could Cause Mass Casualties In US, Says New Documentary

Years ago, before the internet was anything but a file sharing and email tool, I read a book called, "The Next War". The predictions made were almost Star Trek-like in futuristic technology and capability. They predicted computer viruses that caused not only loss of data, but was used to attack infrastructure. It predicted drones used not only as weapons platforms, but some as small as flies to gather intel. Can you imagine the capabilities we will have in the the next 20 years?
Very real threat. Or Biggly Allies in China have software which has been crawling all over our power grid and mapping out how stuff is connected for years.

Stuxnet was the first software warhead (that we know about,) but it is only the beginning. We will wage entire wars in cyberspace which will cause much trouble in the real world. The only thing I think the documentary is off-base on is the fact that it won't take a nation to do us damage. A group of hacktavists or terrorists could easily do vast damage as well.

The solution for this is simple. There should be no infrastructure connected to any internet anywhere. Unfortunately, we are far beyond that. Due to cost and convenience, critical infrastructure is hooked up to non-secure internet all over the place.
One of the reasons I have never favored a national power grid. Once you interconnect them all it seems it would be much easier to cripple them. 'Course one strategic EMP could wipe them all out anyway?
It is a very hard problem. There are only 3 grids in our country. (On the mainland.)

Texas has its own grid. There is a lot to like about that.

Even if the asshole terrorists (or china) don't get lucky, the problems with large grids are bad-and getting worse. One complication is that more people are putting up solar (or going off grid entirely) and the load gets more unpredictable. That power has to go somewhere, if it doesn't get balanced just right, all kinds of unpleasantness ensues.
didnt the US blow up some gas pipeline in Russia a few years ago messing with their software?

and damage some centrifuges in Irans nuclear fuel processing plant?
didnt the US blow up some gas pipeline in Russia a few years ago messing with their software?

and damage some centrifuges in Irans nuclear fuel processing plant?

I am familiar with the Iran thing. It was called Stuxnet.


We have never admitted responsibility, but based on the resources and the details, it probably involved us, Israel, and Germany.

It set the Iranian nuke program back at least 3 years..... Of course, Obama cocked that all up by giving Iran a whole bunch of money to go ahead and really build their nukes right.
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