Active shooter Washington Navy Yard

By the time it's over, the race of the gunman (gunmen?) will have changed 2 dozen times and the gun used will range from an "ar15 machine gun to a 1919 Browning watercooled" and still not be right.

Or the story may die quickly because of the color of the shooter. Media sure as hell don't want to be label racist.
With two prior incidents involving guns and being kicked out of the Navy Reserves, how the hell did this guy get a clearance?

You forgot to add "in one of the most firearm restrictive places in this country"

It is because this is what liberals want. They do not care if criminals have guns. In fact they want them to have guns (see Fast & Furious and every major liberal city in this country). They take the guns away from the majority of the law abiding citizens, let criminals run wild and keep the population in fear, and then it becomes easier to control the population who must come to the government for non-existing protection.

This is liberal/socialist/communist 101... No conspiracy needed.
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