Active shooter Washington Navy Yard

If there is anyone out there who believes for one second that there isn't a flagrant media bias, note this:

1) There was one shooter.

2) There was no AR-15. Ever.

Jay Carney, Dick Durbin, and Dianne Feinstein should be run straight out of town. To climb on top of a tragedy and use misinformation without even allowing the dust to settle or the bodies to cool to push "gun control" is as despicable an act as I have seen as of late. I am disgusted...especially knowing that there will be zero accountability for their actions.
Yall check this out!
I knew that such a thing existed but the funny part is the CNN does not the know the difference. They were just in a big hurry to throw out AR-15 to kick start there more antigun propaganda!
I knew that such a thing existed but the funny part is the CNN does not the know the difference. They were just in a big hurry to throw out AR-15 to kick start there more antigun propaganda!

Or did they get it right? All I've heard is that he had a shotgun.....could it have been this model?
If this guy was using a shotgun, even if it was an AR type, it blows the antis arguments about mag capacity out of the water. He killed 13 people and a typical tactical shotgun has a capacity of less than 10 rounds.

It just doesn't take long to reload.
If this guy was using a shotgun, then blood is on Joe Biden's hands. He was the idiot running around telling people to fire off shots into the air.

Looks like this guy, who was a liberal and Obama supporter with mental problems (although liberal and mental problems are one in the same) took him to heart...
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If this guy was using a shotgun, then blood is on Joe Biden's hands. He was the idiot running around telling people to fire off shots into the air.

Looks this guy, who was a liberal and Obama supporter with mental problems (although liberal and mental problems are one in the same) took him to heart...
Yesterday afternoon Erik Erikson made what I thought to be a very cogent point on this issue....he played a clip of Biden talking somewhere about how a shotgun was so much easier to use than an assault rifle and that if you were going to use one or the other, you should use a shotgun because they are a lot easier to use to hurt a lot of people....or something along those lines. Regardless of the exact quote, Mr. Erikson made the point that perhaps this guy had taken Mr. Biden's advice and his question was why wasn't anyone holding Biden accountable in some way, shape, or form for what happened?

It was certainly somewhat rhetorical and political but I felt like it was a good point. You have an Obama/Biden supporter shooting up a place with a weapon that was endorsed as "easy to use" by the administration that the shooter supported.
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