Adorable twin kittens.

4 Adult cats won't make a heap of difference. I would not mind a cat or 4 but my dogs would have them for lunch.

if they're that young and friendly may wanna check with your neighbors as well. feral cats wouldnt be coming up and purring and look pretty well groomed for long haired to be outside super long. aside from that, im hiding this **** so my wife doesnt see this post

Yeh. Definately somebodies cats. Or were at one point.

Beautiful cats too.
hush yo’ mouf.

btw, I could deliver them to you Tuesday...
Dude, I would if I could but I currently have > and I'm embarrassed to admit this) 5 and two little dogs. The only thing that helps is that the cats love to be outside most of the time. And my black cat Rollo is a scraight up squirrel serial killer. I still have the kitten I had to rescue from under the hood of my son's 06 Camry a few months ago. I incorre9assumed we were fostering her until a taker came along. I fall for that **** every time.
I have an old pic thread about semi useless house cats that's probably the longest running thread I ever posted. Post some pics of these little black buddies up there and maybe it will help.
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