American Blackout....

It makes a lot of people feel superior, I mean better about themselves to denigrate those they deem beneath them than to look sideways.

I agree completely. People who don't live in the city (or Rurals) delight in the idea of disaster befalling all who live there. This type of verbal craftsmanship usually comes from the last poster in the "Walmart Ammo Availability" thread.
Statistically speaking most folks in a city of any size will have a tough go of it without some sort of outside help.
There are a bunch of folks that talk big about living outside of cities who think their geographic separation, 4 wheel drive and 4 wheeler plus a good fishing hole and deer stand will stave off the impending disaster.
Then there are folks who raise gardens, are frugal, can hunt if need be, that might actually do pretty well on their own. As it stands right now I see a lot of stereotypes being used with harsh words. I don't particularly care where you choose to live, just be prepared...
Sorry, I didn't read all the comments, but in case no one has said it yet, the whole movie is on youtube.

Which is why there is a Chattahoochee River between Atlanta and North Georgia. The last ice storm saw people from the rurals coming south to look for shelve items. More recently, with all the flooding this summer, I have found myself at the RC distribution center loading trucks up for, guess who? Rurals. Most likely to run out, most likely to be unprepared, and most likely to get hit with a disaster.

I think you are working under different assumptions. Most likely to run out maybe because the demand will be greater in the city.......most likely to be unprepared no because they can't afford to be like the people in more metro areas. Most likely to get hit by a disaster? Where is your data to quantify this? How can you determine that rural areas are more likely to get hit by a "disaster" than those in a city? Maybe more susceptible to different disasters but the same can be said for the city....
Another difference is the length of time any emergency situation lasts.

In the short term the cities have many advantages. I would say they would have a much larger resource pool to draw from including food/water/police/emergency care facilities/large support system for infrastructure and repairs.

In any mid to long term problem the advantages would shift back to those who are closer to farms and water sources with a small enough population to not use them all up before they can be replaced. Security(from looters)would also be much easier in a rural environment, that is just simple math.
Another difference is the length of time any emergency situation lasts.

In the short term the cities have many advantages. I would say they would have a much larger resource pool to draw from including food/water/police/emergency care facilities/large support system for infrastructure and repairs.

In any mid to long term problem the advantages would shift back to those who are closer to farms and water sources with a small enough population to not use them all up before they can be replaced. Security(from looters)would also be much easier in a rural environment, that is just simple math.
that says it all right there.a higher concentrated population will use up its resources at a much faster rate than an area with less population.i'm not real sure,but, i'll bet cabbage and corn wont grow to well on concrete or asphalt.
Ok I finally started watching this...I recorded it and just got around to it, watched the first half....gonna watch the second half tomorrow eve. I think it's pretty good, As far as it goes, sort of gives ya a few things to think about. Diff than what I thought it was gonna be. Can't wait to see the rest.
I DVRed this when it aired but just got around to watching it tonight before Walkin Dead. I think its pretty close to what it would look like except for the "happy ending" it confirms to me that we need groups. No less than 2 on watch as an example. I mean "the buddy system" should still be SOP.

Oh, and I think the teen age hippy that sold out the family shoulda been taken far away an "dropped off"
Yeah not very realistic how the power just came on everywhere at once. That would have to take awhile. Except for the happy ending I thought it gave us a lot to think about.
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