ammo scalpers

ammo scalpers
Thread in 'The Pasture' started by BIKER13,

Outdoor Life? that goes way back.


So Outdoor Life has just now figured out that flippers are buying up all the ammo and reselling it?
Gee, I guess I know now why the magazine went out of business..
Reading this article... It could almost be a copy and paste of my arguments for the past year... Some of it is supply and demand, but the bigger problem that takes a minor inconvenience and turns it into a cluster, are the scalpers...

They are scumbags, plain and simple. Vultures.

Its the same thing that the guy who bought the insulin patents did when he jacked the prices up overnight... or the clowns that bought up all the toilet paper and hand sanitizer within 5 counties and then tried to sell it to people for 5x the cost.

They create an artificially low supply, by buying it all up, which they then use to justify the stupid prices.

There are people here doing it, making bank, and as soon as you bring it up, their buddies that are on the take, all circle the wagons to help defend these vultures...
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