Any preppers in the immediate Gainesville area?

I'm not much on being an organizer, but if a few of ya'll are willing to put some time and energy in to this, I will too. Flammenwerfer, this is your thread, so if you want to take the lead, it's yours.

Having said that, some ideas that come to mind to put it together are squaring away a date that suits most of those interested, a discussion of skills/gear you can demonstrate, what you're interested in learning. My suggestion is that it be kept basic for the first attempt so that it doesn't become overwhelming.

I have a buddy that is preparing to do some training on land navigation and does some martial arts training. I'll mention it to him.

Let's start with a Who's interested list:
So far:
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Well, I typed out a bunch of crapp and lost it, so short version is:

Let's discuss a time, place and subjects and see if we can pull this together.

some subjects that come to mind are:
food and storage of
shelter- temporary and semi-permanent
water, sourcing and purifying
communications- with others and receiving info (Ham, shortwave, etc.)
physical conditioning
a discussion of gear (what works and what doesn't)
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