Anyone else watching the last season of Better Call Saul ?

Enjoyed it early on until he just had to get into politics.
And he's lobbying for an AWB at the moment, of course.
But since this is a gun trading forum, we probably don't care about that.
You gotta figure out how to separate the art from the artist.

I learned a while back that I’m happier if I stay off any website that’s heavily political like Facebook Reddit Twitter etc
And i no longer watch the news on tv or internet .

There is nothing that happens on the news that affects me , that I can do anything about.

99.99% of the news nowdays is emotional crap designed for website clickbait and doesn’t affect my life anyway, and if it does affect me , I can’t do anything about it or change it , so why watch it .

No point in watching stores of gas prices
All day Day after day after day . The price is the price . Buy it or don’t , but stop complaining about it .

Tom cruise is a total bonkers nut job , but I can’t wait to see the next Mission Impossible movie .
Enjoyed it early on until he just had to get into politics.
And he's lobbying for an AWB at the moment, of course.
But since this is a gun trading forum, we probably don't care about that.
We have stopped watching several shows because they’ve gone heavily woke. Not going to be much new of interest.
Every show now must be required to have a a bi-racial couple (mix and match), a gay couple (sex optional), a crazed conservative (usually bad, with gun) and a deep green message.
You gotta figure out how to separate the art from the artist.
I don't. Especially if my patronage puts one thin dime in their pocket.
I don't watch the news nor do I haunt any political websites. But some actors, like him, can't help but interject their liberal lunacy loud and long, so can't help but notice. And 2a issues are the worst. They want a reaction. So I'm happy to oblige. Click.
I just don't have that strong a need to be entertained by make believe. No slight at all at those that do. I just have stuff to do sometimes. ;)
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