Anyone else's dog terrified of fireworks?

My dog loses his **** when he hears fireworks. We tried everything and finally our vet prescribed him human Xanax and it does a lot better than doggie sedatives but he's still kinda scared.

Poor guy! Our greyhound doesn't give a crap about fireworks but that's true about most things. He can sleep through anything. :)
Our dog is very scared of fireworks and thunder. He goes in the bathroom and starts shaking. We give him an herbal supplement that relaxes him and makes him sleepy. Also bought him a thundershirt. Still tough on the little guy though.
For people with dogs that freak out - try a "Thunder Coat" Wrap a towel around their torso. Supposed to soothe them. ???
Thunder does sooth them some but it only does so much. Our rescue used to seriously FTFO in storms on around fireworks, now it's more like she just wants to hide, quake and drool.
I read sometime ago more dogs run off and are lost on the 4th of July than any other day because of fireworks.Mine doesn't seem to care,but had a GSD that ran at the smell of em.
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