Attacked by red tailed hawk tonight.

Nope my ladder has been on that tree for two years now.

Never seen it before.

Yeah, your ladder might have been, but you aren't there 24/7, so this hawk probably had staked out that tree and maybe started to build a nest further up in the branches, and then here comes this ugly goofy looking human climbing up... fight's on!
I had one almost light on the shooting rail of a stand I was in down in Meriwether county.

I was looking right and heard the whisper of his wings coming in ,turned back straight just in time to see talons fixing to grab the rail. He caught my movement and swung to his right under a limb, lit and started looking for the crows that were chasing him .
He sat there till they were gone an eased on off :)
Yeah, your ladder might have been, but you aren't there 24/7, so this hawk probably had staked out that tree and maybe started to build a nest further up in the branches, and then here comes this ugly goofy looking human climbing up... fight's on!

How do you Know it didn't think I was sexy and wanted to mate with me?
Actually I was in the tree for a half hour before it came around after tree Jumping on the opposite ridge.
No nest in my tree......sorry but it was just curious.
Next time just wiggle your finger back and forth to imitate a small rodent. :D

I was hoping it landed on me.

I've had squirrels jump on my head, birds land on my hand and arm and was hoping the hawk would have landed on my arm.
Would have been a fun opportunity to scare the living hell out of it.
Next time just wiggle your finger back and forth to imitate a small rodent. :D
I was sitting in a box stand with a buddy of mine in Wayne county. I took the old bleat can and stuck it out the window. I rolled it and a hawk nearly took my hand off. We had a pretty good laugh.
I've had 2 hawks come in on me. I think it is the black shooting finger on my camo gloves that they targeting. They move fast and silent in the woods and only saw them at the last moment. I also had a big freaking owl stalk me a couple of years ago and I didn't get much done watching to make sure it didn't dive bomb me. Neither me nor the squirrels were happy for a while. Things like this are what non hunters can't appreciate and think we are even crazier because they happen. Its just nature being itself and we get to watch and participate sometimes.
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