Best catfish baits

For the REAL big cats, live bait can't be beat. The big flatheads and blues almost exclusively eat live bait and fresh cut bait. If you know how to throw a cast net it makes life easier.
Big flats and blues, live shad, bream, Pretty large in size. Large channels, fresh cut bait. Large circle hooks, points exposed to ensure a good hookup. Might be worth paying a guide who fishes big cats for the experience and let them know you want to learn.
I have no idea
TO catch the sho- nuffs consistently you need live bait bream,crappie I’m talking 40+ #ers we use chicken breast cut in chunks with strawberry jello powder which we catch 5-15# blues and channels and every now a then a flathead.
i don’t hook and line just jug fish.
we do troll a little in June and July on flats using pinks and Catawba worms
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