CBD Oil - no longer a skeptic

A little toke never hurt anyone!!! I’m in the PNW right now and the strains they sell here, in stores that are on every corner, like Waffle House!!! Confusing name , I bought one that said ex wife!!
It kicks my asp
I tried CBD oil a couple years ago for joint pain. Very expensive and didn’t do anything for me. My doctor sort of laughed when I told him I was using it and said “if it makes you feel better, it’s your money, but there is no science to support its effectiveness or cost.”
I tried CBD oil a couple years ago for joint pain. Very expensive and didn’t do anything for me. My doctor sort of laughed when I told him I was using it and said “if it makes you feel better, it’s your money, but there is no science to support its effectiveness or cost.”
Your doctor is a drug dealer for big pharma, of course he's gonna discredit his rival gang.
My mother is a doctor, and she doesn't believe in the effectiveness of CBD. She has long advised me on medications I've been taking for knee pain, but I've gotten only mild improvement. When I was visiting my grandmother in Oregon, she told me to try CBD, which she takes regularly. She gave me a taste of CBD gummy contains 50mg of CBD, and told me where to buy it. Honestly, I feel a lot better compared to how I was feeling a week ago. The pain isn't completely gone, but it's much less bothersome, and my grandmother says that the effect will increase with time. I really hope so.
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