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crocodylus pontifex
Staff member
276   0
May 16, 2010
Reaction score
Got a couple changes we're putting into place tonight, they should be live in the next hour or so.

1. You now have to agree to the site's "Terms of Service" when you submit an ad, it's just something to help protect the site.

2. Deleted/Moved thread notices: If you have a thread moved or deleted you will now get a PM about it with a reason (unless the mod who moved/deleted it declines to do so.)

3. You can now disable comments in your ads. You can choose to start it with no comments when you post it, or you can toggle it on and off within your listing. If you have a "trainwreck thread" a mod will disable comments for you to help keep the peace. You can still post in your own thread even if comments are off.

This is the button you use to turn them on and off, and it will also tell you if a thread has comments enabled or disabled:

View attachment 184821

I think that is it. Please let me know if anything isn't working correctly or if you have any ideas on how to improve anything.
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