chest cold-bleh

My daughter was sick right after Thanksgiving. Bout a week after that I had it. I'm still hacking up nasty yellow ****. I wish I could get some of that good old Tussinex cough syrup with codeine from back in da day. Not sure if it did any good for the cough but it made you not give a damn about it.
The 3 year old grandson in Denver gave boss and I both a gift ... yep headache, coughing, stuffed up head.
No fever.
I’m eating Sudafed and Tylenol.
Stay well hydrated and get guaifenesin for chest crud
I’ve had the crud off and on for a month ! Can’t shake it. bodyaches , head cold , mild chest congestion , just sick of it ! Some days feel ok , others like trash .
Upgraded from two fingers to three fingers of Red Breast Irish Whisky twice daily. Colds, flu and fleas stay away.
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