Curiosity...the ODT infamous

Most likely to make make an elected office AND win a booty shake contest- Laxguy

Most likely to punch a guy in the mouf at a bar - that cowboy guy who had a Bypass

Most likely to get punched in the mouf at a bar- Akguy or CCW its a toss up

Most likely to die by jihad- Gdawg

Most likely to become a preacher and get busted for embezzlement- vanguard

Most likely to trade with Lucifer - dunkel

Most likely to owe back child support for a midget love child he didn't know about - NWS

Most likely to drop his Glock in the toilet - Soviet


Well it looks like he has our number!
Okay I can confirm that AKguy has been punched outside of a bar by bar owners, but I can also confirm that AK guy has won way more bar confrontations than his one loss, that dude is fearless on the juice.

Also my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
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