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H1N1 is the swine flu they told is it was a flu shot like it was no different but the swine flu vaccines is known to have horrible side affects to your offspring and ****. This was way early when the disease first came about so this bath of the vaccine might be dangerous. They were just being sneaky about it.
Latest news from DARPA.

Coming soon: a brain implant to restore memory

Washington (AFP) - In the next few months, highly secretive US military researchers say they will unveil new advances toward developing a brain implant that could one day restore a wounded soldier's memory.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is forging ahead with a four-year plan to build a sophisticated memory stimulator, as part of President Barack Obama's $100 million initiative to better understand the human brain.
H1N1 is a type of flu. It was just a strain that spread more rapidly than some. (It was a kind of "bird flu." ) What scares scientists the most is the concept of a strain of the flu incubating and mutating in pigs or birds and then becoming airborne. It would be a true SHTF.

If you guys want to talk about something that can wipe millions or even a couple billion off the face of the planet in a hurry-the good ol flu is by far the best candidate.

Scary thing about the disease is how quickly and efficiently it mutates. Only a matter of time before another 1919 hits.


(Only this time would be much, much worse. Same day air travel could easily spread a similar strain so fast that a billion or so could die. At the rate the virus mutates, this really is just a matter of time.)
Experimental Space Plane Designs Wanted by US Military

"Boeing already provides one robotic space plane to the U.S. military; the company builds a vehicle called the X-37B for the Air Force. One X-37B spacecraft has been circling Earth on a secret military mission since December 2012."


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