Did anybody get the number of that bus that just ran me over?

That makes the second time I've seen video of an Orca killing Jaws.

The first time was some video on Nat Geo. Both were much bigger. The Orca just bit it, flipped it upside doon, and waited until it suffocated.

Then had lunch. It was almost effortless.
I think that was a dolphin. Snout was too long and the tail didn't look right.


But the video I saw was fascinating. I had no idea, especially after seeing Jaws.

If you are big and bad enough to flip a great white upside down, they go limp as a rag doll.. The video I saw mentioned something to do with Great White's biology. Upside down for just a couple of seconds, they are helpless (literally). They can't move, can't do anything, including swimming way to escape. It takes several seconds for Great Whites to recover.

Orca's being much more intelligent creatures know this, probably from other Orca's teaching them.

Evidently the video I saw mentioned this has been proven by marine biologists. I had no idea, but the Great White Shark is not the baddest-arse critter swimming in the ocean.

Imma more scared of Orcas than "Jaws". Make friends with an Orca if you are ever caught in that situation. Prolly not likely to happen in the North Georgia mountains, though. :)
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